Conjuring Universe explained (Part-2)

                The Conjuring Universe 

The NUN-

The NUN is a Gothic supernatural movie Released in the year 2018 Directed by Corin Hardy and Produced by New line Cinemas.
The story was given By Again The Founder of Conjuring Universe -James Wan,although the movie rotates with the same theme of Possession and evil spirits, but the film itself has rolled somewhere around 2016's ,Conjuring -2. The NUN is a story of a Demon named VALAK, we see VALAK in three conspiracy theories of Conjuring universe all together series named NUN,  Conjuring and also in The Curse of LA Ilorona. The movie is highly established with the Old Roman Churches (Saint Carthas Monastry) and The Vatican City Church palace, The Plot follows
a Roman Catholic priest, and a NUN in her novitiate, where we see the unhappeings in the ancient church of Basicilia (Saint Carthas Monastry), Romania.
Storyline -The pope of Vatican was depressed due to the sudden death of two Nuns in Church of Romania, he asked his two Priests to visit and see the "Unhappeings". The Two Nuns went to the Cave of the Church to address the Demon in the sense to evacuate themselves, but unfortunately The VALAK kills one of the NUN and the other NUN commits suicide due to the curse, that VALAK can possess her body.  The Door through which VALAK comes in the real world is named as "Fenitic hic Deo" Which means "The God Ends" here
We clearly see that, where ever the NUN was going was close to the Demons world, (from where Demons can come and Go).
Finitic hic Dio is the same curse of Word which was stood, For LA Ilorona when she suicides with there two months old Children. The dead body of the NUN was seen next day by Frinche, who was a supplier to the food and other stuffs in the Church.The Vatican learns about the Situations and ask Father Burke along with Sister Irene to travel to Romania and see the conditions over there. They both Meet up with Frenchie and he leads to both of them to the ancient Abbey. Apart from this, Burke also Discovered the past of Abbey which surely has some Dead all along it way, due to which, The Door to Hell has been Opened. But,  at some of the Point VALAK makes herself clear to Insist in the real world by Possessing Frenchie in the end of the movie.

Note-Later after 19 years,  We see Ed and Lauren Warren demonstrating the possession of a man (In university of Manhattan) who has a mark on his Neck and he was the person who was possessed by VALAK The Demon, i.e, He was himself Frenchie. Which later followed The Film The Conjuring.

The Conjuring (2013)-

The story is established around the Harriesville ,Rhode Island when Roger and Carrynon Perrorn move to move to this Farmhouse along with there Five daughters. Things became worst when There Mother Carrynon Perrorn was Possessed by a Demon and all all things started becoming worst.
Storyline- The Real Story starts since, Their Dog Saddie refuses to enter in the house,  and the younger Daughter while playing game of "hide and clap" finds a way to Boarderd up entrance to the cellar.The paranormal events start off after a very few of nights like all the clocks of house stops at 3:07 AM. And birds are flying in to the window and Saddie is found dead in the backyard.On one night Christen encounters one of the melovelent spirits that only she can see.  Prompting her to kill all her family members. Carolyn then has asked the demonlogists who can save his family and hence, it was followed by Ed and Lauren Warren the two prominent Demonlogists who has discovered, The Annabelle Doll who was said to be possessed by a bad demon , Bathsheba Sherman  neighbor of Mary town Eastey was the women who was possessed by a Demon, killed her two year old Child exactly at 3:07 AM to sacrifice it to the Demonic Culture, she was possessed with,  and a lot of series of deaths Started to occur as soon as people started coming and living there. Ed and Lauren Warren Then discovered that this Demonic Spirit was no one but the spirit who caused the Doll Annabelle to be possessed of by a six year old Daughter. The Story is not explained here yet. But they saved the life of Carrynon from the spirit of Bathsheba Sherman and saved the life of all the family members.

Here I am skipping two stories -
Annabelle comes home and Conjuring 2.
Because they are not directed by James Wan and nobody knows that do this incidents really happened in the 1956-1968 or was a mere Humor.

So, here are the set of the Question that every conjuring Universe fan has-
1)The VALAK was a Demon and after she attacked Frienchie, why she wants to hit over Mary town in neighborhood.??
2)If Frienchie was saved from VALAK by exocerism. Then next who was possessed by VALAK, was the doll Annabelle or someone's else spirit??

All the above answers will be given by the Final part of the film of Conjuring Universe, going to be released on 11th of September,
2020. The movie is named as "The Conjuring :The Devil made me Do it".

Thank you for Reading!!!


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